Astiz Lab

Laboratory of Circadian Physiology | Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience

Circadian control of prenatal glucocorticoid programming effects

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - Research Grant

Project number: DFG AS547/1:2 
We have made substantial contribution to understand the role of circadian clocks during pregnancy. Still, little is known about the physiological function of the maternal and embryonic clock and how maternal and embryonic clocks talk to each other to coordinate the dynamic and complex process of development. We have recently shown in mice, that the time of day of antenatal GC exposure predicts the behavioral phenotype of the adult offspring. Offspring of mothers receiving GCs out-of-phase compared to their endogenous circadian GC rhythm show elevated anxiety, impaired stress coping, and dysfunctional stress axis regulation. This project explores epigenetic mechanisms that explain the behavioral phenotype caused by antenatal glucocorticoids (GCs) exposure in mice and in humans through a collaboration with the German Neonatal Network and BioBizkaia. 
Adapted from “Feto-Maternal Crosstalk in the Development of the Circadian Clock System.” Astiz and Oster. Front Neurosci 2021 doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.631687.


Astrocytes in the mouse suprachiasmatic nuclei respond directly to glucocorticoids feedback

Kristian HÀndler, Varun K. A. Sreenivasan, Violetta Pilorz, Jon Olano Bringas, Laura Escobar Castañondo, Nora Bengoa-Vergniory, Henrik Oster, M. Spielmann, M. Astiz

bioRxiv, 2024


Marianne Lehmann, Mats Fortmann, Jan H. Britsemmer, Natalie Taege, Henrik Oster, Henriette Kirchner, Cristoph Haertel, M. Astiz

IBRO Neuroscience Reports, 2023

Circadian glucocorticoids throughout development

M. Lehmann, Katharina Haury, H. Oster, M. Astiz

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2023

A Timely Administration of Antenatal Steroids Is Highly Protective Against Intraventricular Hemorrhage: An Observational Multicenter Cohort Study of Very Low Birth Weight Infants

Ingmar Fortmann, L. Mertens, Hannah Boeckel, B. GrĂŒttner, Alexander Humberg, M. Astiz, C. Roll, Isabell Rickleffs, A. Rody, C. HĂ€rtel, E. Herting, W. Göpel, V. Bossung

Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2022

The trophoblast clock controls transport across placenta in mice.

CĂ©cile Demarez, L. D. de Assis, M. Krohn, Nahuel A. Ramella, M. Schwaninger, H. Oster, M. Astiz

Development, 2021

Feto-Maternal Crosstalk in the Development of the Circadian Clock System

M. Astiz, H. Oster

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021

The circadian phase of antenatal glucocorticoid treatment affects the risk of behavioral disorders

M. Astiz, Isabel Heyde, M. Fortmann, V. Bossung, C. Roll, A. Stein, B. GrĂŒttner, W. Göpel, C. HĂ€rtel, J. Obleser, H. Oster

Nature Communications, 2020

The concept of coupling in the mammalian circadian clock-network.

Violetta Pilorz, M. Astiz, Keno Ole Heinen, Oliver Rawashdeh, H. Oster

Journal of Molecular Biology, 2020

Mechanisms of Communication in the Mammalian Circadian Timing System

M. Astiz, Isabel Heyde, H. Oster

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019

Perinatal Programming of Circadian Clock-Stress Crosstalk

M. Astiz, H. Oster

Journal of Neural Transplantation and Plasticity, 2018

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